Now is the perfect time to mentally prepare for the holiday season. Whether you are excited for or haunted by retail stores being three months early for everything, you may be starting to plan, and have some anxiety around, the approaching holiday season.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed while navigating the pressures of the holiday season, you work, and your personal life. One way to work around preventing holiday overwhelm in our own lives is by preparing our mindset and our routines for these busy times.
Get into a stress-free and easy mindset this holiday season with these tips.
1. Don’t create unrealistic expectations for the holiday season
This is probably one of the most significant sources of holiday stress. As the holidays get closer, we start having all these fantastic ideas, sometimes creating completely unrealistic expectations of ourselves, our budget, and our time.
Take the time to check in on your holiday goals and see what’s realistic for your time and budget and then plan from there. You will end up closer to your vision if you start from a place of what’s possible.
2. Don’t compare
It is so true that comparison is the thief of joy. As tempting as it is, don’t compare or set standards for your holidays based on what someone else is doing. Do what the right fit for you and your family is, and you will have a much more relaxed holiday for it.
3. Set a realistic budget and Stick to it
One of the most significant sources of stress during and after the holidays is because we overspend. Set a budget for yourself and your holiday spending well before the holidays arrive. Include travel and hosting costs along with your gift spending.
Consider starting a dedicated savings account just for holiday spending. Being able to see what you have and where it is going will help you curb financial overwhelm.
4. Stick to a routine
Sticking to a routine is one of the best ways to protect ourselves against stress and overwhelm during the holidays. Creating a plan that lets you know what is coming up each day is the best way to defeat any chaos that may arise during your day.
When something unexpected happens, remember that you can take care of it and take comfort that your routine will be waiting for you afterward.
5. Check-In with yourself
Throughout the holiday season, take a few moments each day and at the start of each new week to check in with yourself. Are you stressed? Are you overwhelmed? If the answer is yes, ask yourself why.
What can be adjusted or removed from your schedule or a to-do list that can relieve this? Can any tasks be delegated? Adjust your routine and habits accordingly until you find your sweet spot. Taking note of how you feel regularly can save you from a mega meltdown that makes it hard to climb out from under.
The holidays can be stressful for many reasons, including financial stress, unrealistic expectations, and packed calendars. Implementing these tips on how to prepare your mindset for the holidays now will help you to avoid overwhelm and enjoy yourself and your friends and family this holiday season.