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6 Benefits of Spending Holidays Together as A Family

I know that it can get tricky for some families that are financially unstable to go on holiday. But who said you have to go somewhere fancy? As long as you are together as a family, let’s call that a family holiday or family time.

So, how does this time together affect the children and parents in the family? What are the benefits of spending holidays together as a family?

New experiences and memories

One of the reasons I go out with my friends is to create memories. Memories that I’ll reflect on and smile at when the going gets tough or when I find myself in a not-so-forgiving position with that person, then I easily dismiss whatever we are conflicting on.

During holidays, you get to take photos to add to the family photo album and stories to narrate later on to your friends.

You get to do group activities as a family which you’ll reflect on during other times and new things to talk about on several dinners to come.

Notice growth patterns in children

For one, maybe you may not have enough time to notice your children’s growth patterns as you are ever at work or busy doing house chores with several things on your mind.

It can also be hard to notice small traits like your child not looking in the eyes of other people when you are in the same environment all the time.

During holidays, parents can get to observe several traits of their children as they interact with other people and identify the areas which need to be corrected or acted upon.

Rebuild and improve family relationships

Family wrangles are not something new or rare. When the family is at such a stage, maybe it is time for a holiday break from everything else.

Different aspects of everyday life can exert pressure on families and lead to conflicts between parents, siblings, or both.

The good thing about holidays is that you have to participate in activities together irrespective of your least favorite at the time thus improving family relationships.

Improved family communications

Holidays also create time for family members to sit down and talk about whatever is going on in their lives since there is no escape to work or to do other things.

The only alternative is to communicate things thus helping siblings and parents understand each other well and know what to do and not to do next time.

The health of family members

Outdoor activities are not only fun but also healthy on several levels. All family members get to participate in outdoor games which act as physical exercise as well as mental relief.

The happiness and love that flows around during these holidays can as well act as therapy for the entire family.

A sense of belonging and security in children

Spending holidays together as a family promotes a sense of belonging and security in children. Children feel comfortable knowing that they can always rely on their family in case of anything.

This has several benefits for children including increasing their self-esteem and building their self-confidence.


Holidays are a good way to celebrate and compensate for all those days families weren’t together. Most people use public holidays and festive seasons as holidays for their families.

This saves them from having to take off days from work and school since it is official and they are also spared from planning activities to do from scratch.

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